Zen Sets View3D Workspace Tool

Zen Sets Tool is used to work with Zen Sets Groups directly on the surface of your model.


Show Only One Group

Press CTRL+SHIFT and click on the mesh where that group is.

Show All Groups

Press CTRL+SHIFT and click outside of the mesh.


Invert Your Current Group Selection

Press CTRL+SHIFT then click and drag outside of the mesh.


Select More Than One Group

  1. Press CTRL+SHIFT and click on the mesh where one group is
  2. Invert that selection: press CTRL+SHIFT then click and drag outside of the mesh
  3. Press CTRL+SHIFT and click on the other groups you want to select
  4. Invert this selection: press CTRL+SHIFT then click and drag outside the model


Object Mode

Collection Toolbar

  • Quick collection toolbar with the options to append-remove object, toggle hide, select, exclude, disable

  • Mouse operations to isolate, unhide, invert object selection


Collection Selector

Next Collection - Ctrl + Mouse Wheel

Changes active Collection to the next in the list of all Collections and starts from the first when reaches the end.


Next Selected Object Collection - Ctrl + Shift + Mouse Wheel

Changes active Collection to the next in the list of all Selected Object Collections and starts from the first when reaches the end.


Select and Set Collection Parent or Child

If you need to set active collection parent or child in 3D View without going to Tool mode there are corresponding operators
