Geometry Nodes

Every Zen Sets group can be used in Geometry Nodes. Attribute implementation depends on Sets or Parts mode


Do not delete or rename Group Attributes manually !

Parts Mode

There is a fixed attribute for every Parts mode. Every group has its own unique integer identifier within the current Scene.


Value 0 is used for elements that are not assigned to any group

Mode Mesh Element Attribute Name
Vert Parts Vertex zen_vert_u_hash_layer
Edge Parts Edge zen_edge_u_hash_layer
Face Parts Face zen_face_u_hash_layer
Face Maps Face face_maps

Sets Mode

Every group in Sets Mode is exposed as separate integer attribute with 1 value if elemement belongs to the group and 0 if not. Name is based on uuid by default. And has the next format:

zen_{vert|edge|face}_{128-bit uuid}

Example of the default Face Set attribute

How To Change Face Sets Attribute Name

Example of Face Sets group renamed to the simple name
  1. Call Change Group Attribute Name operator

  2. Type New Attribute Name and press OK

Create Node


Available in Parts Mode only

Value To Color Node

Add node to the editor and connect to outputs
Encode group identifiers with color values and create temporary color attribute

Selection By ID Node

Example how to add and use Select By ID node for Extrude Mesh modificator

Group Name To ID

Example how to use group names in Geometry Nodes